Louisa Gallas | Michigan
For centuries, white people have been able to say and do the most extreme hideous racist comments and behaviors. unchecked. From my research I’ve learned ‘Woke’ originated in the Black community by elder African Americans to illuminate real history, not that taught in schools, for younger Black Americans. I could be wrong. In any case, white people, especially white men, need to step back and wake up. And be humble. Of course, the pendulum has swung to the other direction. Consider it reparations for every moment of viciousness legally passed over by white supremacy. And understand you have no way of knowing as a privileged white man however educated what triggers non- white people.

NYT article: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/22/opinion/bon-appetit-cancel-culture.html
Woke Me When It’s Over
In the humorless world of Woke, the satire is never funny and the statute of limitations never expires, even when it comes to hamantaschen.