Don’t you find the snow’s silence

a comfort, its white simplicity

shines out in the night. Note

how they need each other,

the dark, the light. 

And don’t we wish our loves

could be so simple, our fears

eased, our need so clear, 

how we might help 

each other

toward our essence?

As Ram Dass says, “All of us are

here just to walk each other home.”

But, of course, anything enduring

runs into trouble and needs work.

So the question becomes:

this beloved you’re on the skids with,

you gonna fight for them, or like

so many of us, walk away,

create a story, small and tight,

that fits your past damage, 

unexamined illusions,

and possible confusions?


You know what may happen then?

A generous place in your soul slips away.

Perhaps, later, you will learn one day 

how to help love, or a larger truth, 

at least, survive. 


Be careful: if you fail too many times,

it’s possible you may never truly 

walk anyone, even yourself,



Instead, in your lonely soul,

an enduring chill.