NYT Opinion

 Louisa Gallas | Michigan

Thank you, Mr. Blow, for the details of this deep grasp by so many on the Right to reinstate and legislate racism and simply erase the civil rights movement for so many marginalized people and communities. The right is trying to take America back before the Civil War when virtually every group except white men was considered deviant or 3/5th human. They want to dehumanize the soul of everyone except their ugly greedy grab for power. And not only men, but the rabid women who have internalized white supremacy. Truly, as Ms. Crenshaw says, this is the fight of the century. Already serious inroads through legislation to abolish D.E.I. , as you document here, are in place or up for a vote. The Right has co-opted and slandered the concept ‘woke’ that originated in the Black Community as a reference to social Justice and education about authentic history of inequities in America’s history. It’s as sick as calling the demolition of Reconstruction the ‘Redemption.” Threaded in their vicious web of dehumanization of fellow citizens is the evangelical notion that God has preferred white people’s dominion. Let’s be clear: the only way the Right feels they can can exist is if they demolish everyone else, so fearful are they of a level playing field of decency, fairness and Justice. The only ‘deep state’ is the condition of their souls: savage, cowardly. An American Tragedy.