NYT Opinion

When ‘Freedom’ Means the Right to Destroy


Louisa Gallas | Michigan

As I read your article, Mr. Krugman, and then comments, I admire that you highlight the motives behind protests and how they differ. BLM was a response to yet another murder of an unarmed Black man by police. And the millions of protestors did far less damage than the 8000 Canadian protesters who occupied a bridge that impacted the economy of two countries and were largely members of the far-right, indiscriminately violating the rights of all sorts of people. Supported by the far-right in the US as a “Freedom Convoy” including legislators like Rand Paul who suggested an insurrection by trucks for the Super Bowl. Sadly even apparently liberal thinkers are posting here how all ‘illegal’ protests are the same and law and order should be brought down hard on them equally. The slander I witness of B.L.M. by too many white people who are moderates or on the left continues since Floyd’s shocking public lynching. The podcast Code Switch has reported their research shows B.L.M. is less supported now then before Ferguson. Too many people have bought and spread around the false story of looting and misrepresent the economic damage. I have very radical friends who bring up “all that looting” still as their first comment, spinning the old law and order meme George Wallace weaponized. Your final comment nails it: what order do you want to support, who benefits from which law when you assess protests. Don’t be careless, note how B.L.M. has been weakened by ignorant thoughtless commentary.