
It Was a Terrifying Census for White Nationalists

Charles M. Blow


Louisa Gallas | Michigan

August 15, 2021

White nationalists, supremacists, the racist legislators in the Republican Party, The Right’s social media sites, Fox News, yes, all these will continue their strategies to secure white power. We who value equity and actual democracy will continue to organize for justice and voting rights, to end the filibuster and further gerrymandering. May we also follow Daryl Davis’ work to befriend the klan; he changed minds and hearts as they learned who he was rather than their conditioned bigotry. In other words: what can we do to reach out to the ‘other’ in our country, to weaken this uncivil war of polarization. Many on the ground are seeking to do so. Check out the writing and pod casts of Rashad Robinson and Angel Kyoto Williams; they teach how each of us can train in non-violent communication. In empathy. Build a skill set. Focus on strategies for resolution among difference. There’s plenty of work just within discussions with progressives who indirectly support white nationalism; they don’t know the history of police bigotry in America from early on, they don’t know the origins of critical race theory. So they don’t look deeply into the origins of “defund the police”; demean its intention, are unaware of Black leaders who prefer “fund the community”. They make fun of CRT as ‘poor marketing’ of the left’s message. That energy is better spent of studying more to hold more constructive learning even among “one’s own kind’. May opinion writers feature communication influencers.