
The Afghanistan War Was Lost Before Biden Ended It

Michelle Goldberg


Louisa Gallas | Michigan

Not since the Civil War has America needed so desperately to save our own freedoms, our own Democracy. Yet so many Americans have no ‘strategic patience’ to protect our rights here. They prefer to undermine equity to protect their own privileges or hawkish greed to control a foreign country where we kill so many civilians in our deluded efforts. Yes, many Afghans and certainly women have a clear vision of their freedoms. May their own government and military step up and fight for them. Let’s stop so many of our oppressed citizens and civilians from being murdered here. Let’s spend our time with strategies for more enlightenment from those who refuse to protect the collective here about vaccination. Spend our war chest on fighting the Pandemic. I hear too many Democrats putting a cowardly short-sighted focus on Biden’s flaws when we have a much more dire big picture that needs our attention. Let’s get busy back home and struggle together with wisdom. Keep Bush in your rear view mirror when you start to make Biden comments. Suit up, be disciplined with your discourse, set our sights on the civil war at home.