
no more cuomo

Gail Collins


Louisa Gallas | Michigan

Thank you , Gail Collins, for bringing some balance to the reporting of Cuomo’s fall. Compared to Trump’s moral crimes against humanity, and his trail of devastation to our collective, Cuomo’s sins are in perspective. He did some positive work for New York. I’m a woman who has experienced assault so I do not minimize Cuomo’s harm. The ways he has grabbed, invaded and threatened aren’t just generational. Had he more respect and decency, he’d just have “thoughts’ like Jimmy Carter and keep his hands on policy making. I was one of many who relied on his leadership during the early pandemic when Trump began his approach to the virus that has ended up putting thousands of deaths at his door, along with the trail of peril his followers continue. What will Andrew Cuomo do now. I hope his daughters are enlightened so he can sit with them and get an education. Meanwhile the new governor should put serious training in place about the harm patriarchal condtioning does to men, and specific information about assault and the micro-aggressions of comments and jokes that humiliate women. Also power actually corrupts the brain; research shows a bubble of immunity gathers around the powerful and they feel exempt from community standards of interpersonal integrity. A hopefully awakened Cuomo could give some workshops. I’d go to one. May we all do the work.