NYT Opinion


Louisa Gallas | Michigan

I join the hundreds of people who feel inspired and supported by this column, Mr. Blow. I’ve followed, read and commented on your op Eds for years. I’ve read your books. You are a mentor, using your prominence and care for our collective life brilliantly. It’s touching to realize what pain you were enduring while still being so deeply able to write sharp, timely, thorough analysis the country needs. It’s a testimony to how much suffering so many high functioning adults may be hiding. Your revelation of the difficulty of being a single parent lends so much shared understanding for other single parents. I want to add one reflection about therapy, how essential it is for so many people, for whom therapy isn’t speaking into a void. I’m glad you came to sit alone and endure painful emotions but many need extra professional help to resolve or manage their trauma. Often trauma, especially early trauma, is caused or enhanced by isolation with no support. Therapy fills that void. Often PTSD requires therapy. In any case, be in peace, continue your great work and know you fill a void where too much silence and betrayal are in play in our national dilemma. We know you will continue to speak truth to power. Thank you for publically witnessing the vulnerabilities and silent endurance humans experience, and how important it is for a man to share rather than keep secret his pain.