
Louisa Gallas | Michigan

BRAVO! This article explores the deepy deeps of human nature and our current dilemma. One for the decade and not to be missed in my humble opinion. It provides great insight, including the hazard of being unable to tolerate ambiguity, the stress of uncertainty., the risky drive for an identity. Some comments on the op Ed ask: so what do we do?

I say: study mindfulness and the ability to ponder alternative ways of thinking before freezing your narrative and strongly creating an ideology. And consider how much ego and identity, the need to be personally important can preoccupy us. The need to have power over rather than working with others to raise everyone up. To fix in one set of beliefs and sense of moral high ground while demeaning, hating or even endangering others. Humans: study ourselves, take a pause on the rush to conclusions and rigid righteousness!! Amen.