NYT OPINION: ‘Freedom’ Florida and the Delta Variant Disaster
by Paul Krug

Louisa Gallas | Michigan
‘Freedom’ as a dog whistle for ‘defend your privilege’. Thank you , Mr. Krugman, for piercing through to the deep motivation of so many ‘Americans’ mutating an ethical word to protect their selfishness and racism. They are themselves behaving like a virus, and DeSantis is in fact an ally and vicious sidekick to Covid, supporting its spread. That he is not stupid makes him all the more dangerous in his self-serving effective fund raising strategies to further polarize and politicize public health. One day perhaps we will look back on these times, those among us left living and the millions scarred by this plague: we will realize how our Republican ‘leaders’ have committed crimes against humanity. They have created their own brand of killing fields. We must keep a clear eye on such monstrous behaviour yet reach out to those still unvaccinated and beg them to take care of themselves and the rest of us. Think of the children so at risk. Please help save the next generations

ARTICLE: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/02/opinion/Covid-Florida-vaccines.html