Louisa Gallas

MichiganMarch 29

Mr. Blow, you truly travel into the soul of these tragic killings, spending time and meditation that brings to us the importance of these sacred spaces that memorialize lethal injustice. They remind us of the many murders by police never documented that George Floyd’s death represents. I also feel reassured that you have your eye and your journalism present to this trial that carries so much weight not just nationally but around the world. The fact that a prior video is allowed into evidence is already a stain on justice. Behind it is the long white supremacist history that a Black man deserves to be murdered because he has flaws. I’d like to see what kind of a man Derek Chauvin might have become without all his privileges, where his people were hounded by police, where he had to live with hyper vigilance every day. I say the same for those who make an equivalency between Floyd as ‘not a good man’ who give a pass to a servant of law and order who calmly has one hand in his pocket and his knee on Floyd’s neck, while looking with indifference straight into a witness’s camera. With no fear he will be punished. Shades of Emmett Till survive and thrive. Thank you, Mr. Blow, for being a witness to this trial.  Article