
An Accusation Blew Up a Campaign. The Media Didn’t Know What to Do

Handling a delicate allegation of sexual misconduct is a lot more challenging than covering a horse race.


Louisa Gallas | Michigan

June 28
I’d go with common sense on this incident. He was inappropriate 20 years ago, no doubt she’d, like many of us women, from very young on, had enough of these experiences, we just went on with our lives. Who would listen. Where was accountability. Professors, men on Greyhound buses, trains, planes, teachers, bosses. Need I go on. Let me tell you, each of these leaves a mark, a nasty memory. The man may well have forgotten, as he felt entitled with his little forays across boundaries, or in denial.

Then the man gets a public profile and finally you figure, best to out him. You can almost count on another woman coming forward. And yes, that has happened. True, this lawyer was sleazy and a liar. That doesn’t walk the moral high road #Metoo needs.
Also Journalists should try for corroboration.

But what we have here is decades, centuries of men’s freedom to grab. To molest. The pendulum has swung way into the weeds to track these behaviors. Men were/are a mess with their indiscreet moves, and worse, so, of course, so is the approach to how they are revealed and how to go forward with truth and fairness.