
Only the Incompetent Need Apply

“I don’t know, but if you aren’t terrified, you aren’t paying attention.”


Louisa Gallas | Michigan

Yes, Mr. Krugman, we are paying attention. Many of us are terrified. I know young people so anxious about the state of our country and the climate, as well, they are on anti-anxiety drugs and seeing psychiatrists. Not about dating, not about their identity, but how to go forward with purpose in the midst of our American debacle. What we have here is the Republican Depravity sucking the life out of democracy. The Supreme Court has now joined them in killing off voting freedoms. A frightening alliance. So we must also spread the word about coalitions that are having successes in fighting these state and federal legislators and even judges who suppress votes. One such alliance influenced a defeat in Texas. As the Republicans revive states rights to undermine the collective good, we must send hope to the terrified young. There is a Native American saying we must “live for the Seventh Generation,” beyond our own narrower focus. Let’s us older folk, writers, journalists address them with ways of activism and resilience. We must slay the dragon of ignorance and bigotry with strategy and wisdom. The Bridge to Human rights in America, the struggle, the steps onto the moral high road, are the challenges of our everyday life. The kids know it!! Let’s all help each other. The freedom movement, America’s renewed reach for true democracy must not become the dead star like a recent black hole did, in fact, swallow into its depths.