
anti-vax insanity

Charles M Blow


Louisa Gallas | Michigan

WARP SPEED. To Mr. Blow and other journalists who write editorials rightfully accusing Trump of his selfishness that drove his sinister virus approach: please be more STRATEGIC. Focus also on Trump’s WARP SPEED accomplishment and massage his ego so he might choose that message to inspire people to get vaccinated. We know too well the lethal impact of anti-vaxxers on the collective public health. How much death lies at their and Trump’s door. BUT now journalists’ must find ways to FOCUS ON A SOLUTION, a set of approaches to reach the ‘other’ in our nation. Find a way deeper way than criticism, however correct, to communicate. I think of the African American man who infiltrated the KKK and influenced hundreds to leave the klan and shift their fixed bigotry. PLEASE WRITE ABOUT THE CHANGE AGENTS; BECOME ONE from your positions of prestige. It becomes a privilege only to demean millions of people. There must be community public health activists who are being successful, pastors who are successfully begging their flock to get vaccinated. Journalists, please feature them. Find ways to write about how to change hearts and minds!! Let go of furthering the zeitgeist of polarization.