Louisa Gallas | Michigan
Dear Mr. Blow, I read your op ed with such anguish at its truths about how once again white people fall away from sustained struggle. How seasonal we are. I know you do see how white supremacist legislators are driving the disinformation about the BLM protests. And MAGA world is in lock step. The terrible hypocrisy of police restraint at the Capitol riot. And too many of my white ‘tribe’ are too ready to blame looting rather than keep in national attention how peaceful the BLM protests were. We are not all rotten fruit, please know that. And we are not all seasonal. Some of our souls remain wrenched to the core, George Floyd’s face seared in our memories. One way we are fighting on his behalf and the Black community is our urgent focus on blocking the Republicans’ racist voter suppression movement. I feel your editorial carries the heartbreak of witnessing once again so many whites falling back into our privilege. But please consider those of us who are mixed families and community. When my nephew of color leaves our house even in his baby blue hoodie, the color of innocence and hope, I fear for his life in my bones every minute until he returns. Please remember us. 

ARTICLE: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/07/opinion/george-floyd-protests.html