When All-White Was All Right

by Charles M. Blow

Louisa Gallas | Michigan
Truth told! Mr. Blow, your first paragraph nails it. White males have been the race and gender preferred for SCOTUS since the founding of our country. Led by such white supremacist propagandists as Tucker Carlson, among too many others in federal and local government positions, they continue to try to preserve this inequitable hierarchy. We must endure this spectacle of how the right and Republican legislators twist and turn to demean and marginalize Black Women as radical and “out of the mainstream”. The irony is they are indirectly continuing to promote and seek even to legislate white privilege as the law of the land, a ‘legal’ racist mainstream and the up-ending of civil rights law. The backlash to George Floyd, on to book banning and voter suppression, is the tragic retrenchment of systemic racism. Mr. Blow, keep on walking the factual moral historic high road. We hear you. We depend on you as a prominent truth teller.

ARTICLE: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/30/opinion/supreme-court-nomination-identity-politics.html