
White Troopers Policing Black Bodies

By Charles M Blow


Louisa Gallas | Michigan

Thank you, Mr. Blow. These troopers remind me of dogs set upon black people who flee because they fear for their lives once cops are in pursuit. If I’d been given ‘the talk’ as a young child and my nervous system got assaulted by simply the lifelong fear of being unfairly treated, I’d try to get away, too. White oppression and so many cops in neighborhoods have created whole communities with PTSD just trying to survive. We take young brains and literally savage them with danger. I’m so disappointed by the many comments I see saying African Americans’s own behaviour in these situations bring on the bad result. White folks, my ‘tribe’, hey, bring some context to your safety, to your righteous judgments; check out how you might behave if you were targeted again and again from when you were kids and your innocence was shaken by hearing you had to fear those who were supposed to protect you for the rest of your life. Stop running away from the deeper truth about the forces in power that make our brother and sister humans flee for their lives. Open up your own conscience to the brutality and take that hard look at reality.