NYT Opinion

Paranoia About #MeToo Overreach at Harvard

Louisa Gallas | Michigan

In the late 60’s I was a teaching assistant at a large University and even now have vivid memories of married professors or those holding honorable elite titles coming on to me. To say the least. What often isn’t discussed in these #metoo articles is how these men have no idea of the histories of the women they assault. Many of us have had early trauma they intensify. Way back then there wasn’t even a thought to expose these professors. We just carried on. If we shared our experience, our fellow students would say, “O, yeah, He did that with me, too.” Even now with a structure to address these violations, powerful men (Henry Louis Gates, REALLY!!) reach to defame these claims. At least now their names are exposed. Back in the day, all we had was silence during these betrayals. They don’t go away and every new public expose brings back memories of these professors’ violations and those from years earlier. Too many women still face backlash by entitled powerful men. But at least we women have mounted a momentous resistance. We’re not going away, guys, much as you want to keep your secrets and your compulsions to grope, then slander when you are exposed. And university administrators: silence and cover-ups in the face of injustice becomes betrayal.