American Folk Afraid of Math

54 Math Text books banned in Florida

for alleged critical race theory

and social-emotional learning

What’s to fear? 

Let’s find out.

Will the hypotenuse be revealed

as slanted toward diversity?

Will the equilateral triangle

promote justice

and highlight inequity?

One can only imagine

the ‘discomfort’ students

will feel about themselves

in Geometry class 

with these traitorous triangles 

as they stir up guilt or shame 

about white privilege.

Perhaps the white backgrounds

on book pages feel threatened

by the black print of text

and equations. Surely

they wouldn’t want 

to shift the paper 

to shades of color!

O, the turmoil within

math lessons, fear 

of ‘social-emotional learning’

that “softens children”

to “gender deconstruct,”

vulnerable to acute angles

grooming youngsters to change

their orientation from ‘he’ or “she‘’

to ‘they/, confused, open to seduction! 

Will these demonic versions

of geometry jump species

into live creatures who attack

children at recess. OMG!!

Will E=MC squared become a pediphile 

with the “speed of light” to make 

kindergarten children sexually promiscuous?

Since energy and mass are interchangeable

will Trigonometry become gay?

Sleazy math fortells the END TIMES.

Golly, are we in trouble.