Praise Song for Daffodils
by Louisa Loveridge Gallas

Right out in the open,
not only on lawns, forests
or meadows but even
by roadsides, freeways,
or railroad tracks
you lift brave faces
to early Spring
as we speed by,
reminded in a
bright flash
about patience,
the slow life,
fulfilled as you bloom
in one place while
Old Man Winter lingers,
snow still falling
on your supple stems,
your blooms endure
strong winds.
Where does
this courage come from?
Do your seedlings gather
underground to rally
their spirits
before pressing
through tough soil
where frost still remains?
O, how our hearts open,
how more generous
we become as you blossom,
your fragrance raises hope,
and long ago it is said
dainty ladies swooned
onto their fainting couch
when shy suitors
presented bouquets
of daffodils.
O, yes,
to fall upon our knees
for flowers!