Dear Editors,
I am distressed over the decision you made about comments for Mr. Ali’s profoundly disturbing op ed that deserves all the attention and feedback it can get. After only 51 comments you shut them down while at the same time continuing to take comments for David Brooks’ op ed who already had 750. Here’s Mr. Ali in dire danger in a refugee camp! The coup has put his people again in the lethal sights of another genocide. I wanted to say, “We Hear You. You are not alone.” And more. Please explain your policy of shutting off commentary for a man and his people at such risk who writes under peril while another writer with so much more opportunity to be heard kept getting attention. I await your answer as truly I am troubled.    Article:

In the countrywide protests against the coup, nobody is talking about the future of the persecuted Rohingya minority.

Mr. Ali is a Rohingya poet who had to flee his home in Myanmar after the ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya by the military.